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Mosky DTC 4-in-1 Missing Link pedal

I found the missing link, the missing pedal for this Mosky DTC 4-in-1 and it's the ENO EX gear Reverb pedal. Please see my other blog post and review of this ENO EX gear Reverb Pedal for more info about the pedal. Here's the link: ENO Reverb Pedal Demo

Mosky DTC 4-in-1 got delay, loop, overdrive and distortion and it's really a good buy, total bargain to have all these three effects in one. As a beginner guitarist, these are your essential pedal and you can start jamming with friends and do school gigs, birthday parties of family members or classmates. The only thing with setup up is that on a clean mode or bypass mode, when there's no effects turned on, your guitar will sound dry unless your guitar amp got a built-in reverb. That's why the missing pedal for this one is the reverb pedal. Your setup will sound a lot more better with the reverb on. Yes, your delay pedal can be tweaked into a spring reverb or echo. Like on my old post I converted the delay effects of this Mosky DTC 4-in-1 to a spring reverb. Here's the link: Delay Converted To A Spring Reverb. But, then you will miss a proper delay effects when you need it because you used it as your replacement reverb. Hence, you ought to have a separate reverb pedal and a separate delay pedal.

On the video above, you will hear the difference when it's on and when it's off. Also you will hear as well that it blends nicely with the overdrive and distortion and even with the delay effects. This reverb pedal is not only the missing link to this Mosky DTC 4-in-1 but also if you're building a pedalboard for yourself, always consider to buy and put a reverb pedal. It adds colour to your sound.

Hope this helps and see you again soon. 

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