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Well Being vibrating neck massager review

Neck Massager Review

Bought this gadget as a post-Valentine's gift for my wife from Red5. It's a very neat and useful piece of gadget especially for people who works in a care setting, who is almost always tired coming home from work. It's handy and easy to use. You can sit in the lounge, watching your favourite program on the telly and use this. Perfect as well during winter time, because it can be use as a neck warmer. Not that it produces heat or something but because it's worn like a scarf.

It does not come with batteries, so you'll be the one to install batteries. Requires two AA batteries. There's a zip on the side. Unzip and pull the battery compartment and slide to open. Just follow the polarity symbols on how to put the batteries properly then close compartment and put it in properly and zip. Now your unit is ready to use.

In my opinion, I don't think this is a massager, it's more like a vibrating neck cushion that makes you relax. There are two settings, one strong and one light massage/vibration. I like it best when Im lying on it or pressing on it. Because I can feel the vibration more. It is a bi difficult to put on at first maybe because the hole and the control end does not fit properly. Probably because it's new, the hole is not stretched yet. Another thing, I think my son played with it and dropped it and the batteries got dislodged so it stopped working but I simply checked the battery compartment and put back the batteries properly and it's back in business again.


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