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Augustine classic black low tension nylon strings review

Here's unboxing and test of Augustine Classic Black Low Tension classical nylon guitar string set.

And my honest opinion and review on this strings.

First, it is very affordable and of good quality.

Second, it's got it's own characteristic and tone.

Third, low tension which is what I needed.

And the list goes on.

The only trouble or downside is that after you put the strings, it takes a long while to adjust. So you have to keep tuning it not just for few hours but it took a couple of days to adjust.

So my search for nylon guitar strings is not yet over. So far so good but I think there's still something that I want. It's either a proper setup for this Valencia vc104ebk or maybe a different set of strings. So stay tuned and follow my blog for you to see and hear what's next on this classical guitar journey. In the meantime, watch this video so you can hear and see the guitar and the strings in action.

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