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Showing posts with label practise amp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label practise amp. Show all posts

Hohner Panther TEGA 10 review

Hohner International Panther TEGA-10

One Master volume, Three band EQ (treble, mid, bass), Overdrive and a separate Volume. One input, Headphones out, a Line Out and Footswitch input. Speaker changed to a Celestion Eight 15 at 8 Ohms. Just a bit confusing on what is the exact wattage of this amp because it's called TEGA-10 and then at the back there's this 40W and the original speaker was 20 watt at 4 Ohms. So I don't know exactly what is the wattage of this amp.

As for the sound of this amp, it's not loud as in piercing loud but surprisingly enough, it can cut through a loud drummer and a really loud guitarist. Although the sound is a bit too dry and tight and obviously with the 8-inch speaker there's no low end to this amp it more of treble that you will hear.  

About the overdrive, I haven't tried the footswitch jack input at the back as I don't have any footswitch pedal. But by turning the overdrive knob all the way up and the volume knob half way or even all the way up as well whilst putting the master volume to a minimum between 1-2, you can achieve that distorted sound. I think this amp is more of a clean tone amp, very nice for ska or reggae.

It is small and portable but I wouldn't say it is lightweight. I mean, when you pick it up, it's sort of manageable but if you carry this for few minutes, you can feel its weight. I have gigged with this amp but it was mic'd in and gigged this on its own without mic, and it managed to cut through. I think this amp is a very nice amp and can stand the test of time. I tried selling it, but I decided to keep it for a bit.