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Assembling Argos Kristopher Single Bed Frame with Simba Cool Foam Single Mattress

Easy and straight-forward assembly. Requires two person to assemble but mostly manageable by one. Materials are lightweight but in the box it seems heavy so I had to unbox it downstairs and brought them in the room piece by piece. It gave me space in the bedroom to assemble. 

The only mistakes I did was that I tightened the screws early even though on the manual it says leave the screws loose. I thought it will be more stable for me to assemble it that way but no, I had to loosen them again to make adjustments for the sides to approximate. 

After that was sorted it was easy and I managed to assemble it mostly just by myself. That only fiddly bit are the bars in the middle plus the plastic locking squares to secure those bars. There are like roughly 15-16 bars may be more and the plastic squares to lock them are both sides so it's like times two around 30-32 of those plastic bits to push with your thumb seems like a painful task to do. 

Overall, Im happy with this product. Just watch the video and read the manual. It's straight-forward and easy to understand and assemble. 


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