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Is the Bose S1 Pro the new modern electric guitar amp

 I am so pleased about this new discovery where I am using my Bose S1 Pro as an electric guitar amp. It handles effects pedal very well. Also even with the electric guitar plugged in straight to the Bose S1 Pro, with its builtin reverb and tonematch option for instrument, it really sounded great.

Obviously when a multi-effects pedal processor is used, any speaker would do because of the amp sim and cab sim that comes with the mult-effects processor. But the Bose S1 Pro, sound superb. It's like listening to a concert. The sound is so clear, crisp and well-balanced. The bass and the treble are perfect. 

Also it is worth mentioning that the speaker is small, lightweight, loud and the option for a rechargeable battery which makes it more portable and no need to worry for any power outlet when doing outdoor gigs. Another very useful feature is the bluetooth wireless connectivity for my backing track. Which for most guitarists who already got lots of pedals and cables to connect, the last thing to do is to connect our phones or tablets to our amp where at times the right cable is needed for both the amp and the phone or tablet. And worse is the sound quality when you plug in your phone or mp3 player or tablet to a guitar amp. It just doesnt sound right. But with the Bose S1 Pro, you will truly enjoy your music or jam because everything just sound awesome. 

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