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Digitech RP55 review and demo

Things you need to know about Digitech RP55 before you buy

Here's the quick overview of the pedal. It's a very simple-to-use multieffects pedal. Just two pedals; up and down to change effects. Editing is straight forward, using the edit button which are left and right. Then another set of buttons left and right to change values and also acts as your master volume. Then a store button to save patches. Use up and down foot pedals to scroll location on where you'd like to save your patch. It has built-in tuner and you can activate it by simultaneously pressing the two foot pedals and hold for 2 seconds. To activate bypass mode, just press the two foot pedals simultaneously, like a quick tap only. Just watch the videos below for a quick run through of the pedal.

This pedal has 80 patches in total, 40 presets which you can't edit and 40 user patches for you to edit and save. Here's the first 20 preset patches:

Here's the second batch of the video. Preset patches from 21-40. Just to have an idea of what it sounds: 

This pedal has a built-in drum machine for practise. You an turn it on by pressing drums. Then you can change the patterns as well as the tempo and level by pressing the Edit button to highlight Pattern, Tempo or Level. Then you can adjust by pressing the button (Values/Master). Just watch the video below to see how to do it and hear the drum patterns so you got some ideas before you buy this pedal

Amp Sim list and corresponding sound copied

  • Blackface (b): based on the ‘65 Fender Blackface Deluxe Reverb amp (Fender 2×12 Twin Reverb Cabinet)
  • Boutique (o): based on the ‘01 Mesa/Boogie Mark II amp (Mesa/Boogie Vintage 30s Cabinet)
  • Rectifier (r): ‘01 Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier amp (Mesa/Boogie Cabinet)
  • Hot Rod (H): ‘96 Matchless HC-30 (Marshall 4×12 Straight with Celestion Cabinet)
  • Classic Tweed (t): ‘57 Fender Tweed Deluxe (Fender Cabinet)
  • British Combo (C): Vox ‘63 AC30 Top Boost (Fender Cabinet)
  • Clean Tube (c): Digitech Clean amp (Marshall Cabinet)
  • British Stack (S): ‘77 Marshall Master Volume (Marshall Cabinet)
  • Crunch (U): Digitech Crunch amp (Mesa/Boogie Cabinet)
  • High Gain Tube (G): ‘83 Marshall JCM900 (Marshall Cabinet)
  • Fuzz (F): Digitech Fuzz amp (Marshall Cabinet)


  1. can you use the preset guitar effects and the drum presets simultaneously?

    1. You can but the only downside is that when you change patch, the drum machine stops for few second or millisecond and then start again once the patch was changed.
