, pub-1966210621826395, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

How to reset your zoom G1on or G1Xon to factory setting.

1. Hold the HOME button before turning your Zoom G1on or G1Xon power.

2. In order to do this, you either need your power adaptor or your batteries.

3. If you are using your power adaptor, whilst pressing on the HOME button, gently plug in your adaptor jack and it will turn your unit on and this will appear on the screen "ALL INITIALIZE".

4. Turn the dial or knob to either YES or NO. Yes if you want to proceed and restore your unit to factory default setting. No if you want to cancel it.

5. Same goes when you are using your batteries. So put all batteries in, then you will be needing your guitar cable or lead.

6. Press HOME button whilst you are plugging in your guitar jack through guitar input to activate or turn your unit on.

7. ALL INITIALIZE will appear on the screen.

8. Turn dial or knob to YES or NO. 


  1. Gracias! Me funcionó perfecto 👌👌👌

    1. Glad to help. By the way, I got loads of tutorials and demo videos on my YouTube channel.

  2. Gracias !Me funcionó perfecto 👌👌👌

  3. The factory setting meaning all the preset will restore?

    1. Yes, it will be back to original default when you first bought the unit. So, all newly saved or customised patches will be lost. That's why my YouTube channel, I made videos of the patches I made so I can always go back to them if ever I will restore my effects pedal to factory settings.
