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Park G10 amp review

Park G10 Practise Amp

Park Designed by Marshall Amplification PLC. 15 Watt RMS at 8 Ohm. One channel. Two gain control. Three band EQ (treble, middle, bass). One Master Volume. Headphones out. No Line Out or Footswitch output.  No effects. No reverb.  Straight forward practise amp. One input for your guitar. Opened back, good for putting leads plus lightweight to carry.

Tone is really nice because it sounds like tube amp. And then even though there's no reverb or effects, it still produces a very nice clean sound. I don't know how they do it. It doesnt sound dry at all. And when you push it like putting everything all the way up especially the two gains and just limit the master volume to 2 or 3, the distortion that's coming out is really nice and it sustain nicely.

I can't say much about this amp because I haven't tried it yet gigging or even use it during rehearsals, but judging from this video recording, I think this amp has got a lot to offer.

If I were to recommend, I would buy and use this amp mainly for recording and/or rehearsals. I cant imagine this amp during gigs yet but who knows, it might be a good amp to gig with.

1 comment:

  1. Si hubiera sido 100 watts de seguro seria el favorito....
