I needed a reverse delay effects pedal and I ended up buying this cheap digital delay which has got 9 options to choose from and one of which is the Reverse delay. This is the Cuvave digital delay. It is well-built, very nice sound quality and again it's a mini pedal so it's small, lightweight and portable which is what Im aiming for.
The downside of this pedal is that it has no Level or Mix control. Meaning the sound of the delay pedal is already set and I find it very prominent. So if I want a delay pedal that is subtle or adjust it to mix to my sound, then this is the wrong pedal. But, if I want to use this on a particular part of a song or during recording, then it is totally fine. It will do the job nicely.
Here are the 9 Delay options to choose from:
l. Clean - The original sound with delay effect
2. Bubble - You can imagine a wah-wah delay under water
3. Mod - A clean delay but with slight tremolo modulation effect
4. Reverse - Recorded guitar part on a tape and flip the tape over for playback. It is designed for kind of "old school rock"
5. Sweep - An echo delay sound with sweep effect
6. Tape - You will hear a smooth sound of an old tape echo machine
7. Mic - The delay sound like in a microphone
8. Analog - It consist in a delay unit followed by a lowpass filter with saturation. This is as close as you can get to the charming nature of an old analog delay
9. Lofi - From the term "low-fidelity." It is a recorded music that is of lower quality than usual standard but it is also a style.