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Showing posts with label self-publish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-publish. Show all posts

Do you want to self-publish a book?

Here's our book that we self-published. Among Us by Liam Borres. 

What we did was, Liam wrote this book on Microsoft word. Then we looked online on where to publish it. There are lots of options but you will pay or subscribe monthly to be able to publish your book. Until we found Amazon Kindle and its free. 

So to cut story short we joined Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) and self publish our book. Mind you, there was some hiccups because of the format. One of the drawing was too big and it overlapped to another page hence everything was adjusted. And we only noticed it after it was published already and one of our friend bought the book already and messaged us about the problem. It was easily rectified. We edited the book, converted it to PDF file and downloaded the Kindle Create and open the PDF file there and save and convert to .kpf file. Then re-upload it to Amazon KDP as our recent manuscript. Then continue and save as a re-published book. 

So here it is now. Active and published. Hope you can download our book and share it with your family and friends. 

Thank you!!!