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Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts

Emma Signature Bed Bundle Unboxing and Assembly

 Ordered this online via Emma Sleep UK and delivered safely. They will message you on how to prepare especially for safety due to pandemic. Like, make sure the house is well ventilated. Open windows when you can. Then you will receive text message on the estimate time of arrival so that the people in the house are prepared. Clear the area where you want the boxes to be placed. Upon arrival, they will ask you at the door where to put the boxes, you can tell them exactly if you want it in your bedroom or somewhere in the house because some of the boxes are very heavy especially the mattress and the bedframe. Then you need to stay in one place while they are putting the boxes on the designated area. Then they will take photos of the boxes and confirm by asking your surname. Instead of you signing for the parcel. 

In my case, what I did was -- I asked them to just put the boxes by the hallway. Then I just opened them in our lounge and bring the stuff I needed in our bedroom because there's not enough space in the room if the boxes were put in there. I can move freely by just bringing the materials that I needed at the time. The only challenge was the mattress because it was heavy. Two to three person is needed if you are small built like myself. hehehe. 

The assembly is straightforward. You can refer to my video or look online or on their website, they got a video on how to assemble it. But by just reading the manual that came with it, you'll be able to assemble this unit easily. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.