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Showing posts with label bose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bose. Show all posts

Istorya ta about Bose S1 Pro as FRFR speaker

So diri naman aton topic is about Bose S1 Pro gamiton naton as FRFR speaker for electric guitar. Kay usually gamit ko ni sya sa akon electroacoustic. Sa amon mga gigs with Untapped Acoustic, amo gid ni ang main speaker ko sa akon acoustic guitar.

So diri naman aton ini testingan sa electric guitar partner sng Zoom G1Four. Tapos try naton with ToneMatch option kag kng wala ToneMatch kng ano ang maayo nga tunog. 

Review of Bose SoundTrue on ear headphones mint and purple

Mint and Purple

This is the most comfortable headphones I've tried. The pads are super soft and comfortable to your ears. The headphones as a whole is super lightweight. Also the colour combination is unique and beautiful design. If this headphones was coloured white and red, I would have called it Van Halen headphones.

To me, the sound quality is superb, although I've read on some reviews that the sound quality is not that great for the price. Well, I think Bose, is always a bit pricey. Im really glad I got this. It's actually a xmas gift from my wife.

The only downside with this headphones is that it's intended for Apple products like iPod, iPhone, iPad and/or Mac. So the remote does not work properly on Android or other smartphones. But, obviously as a headphone, it still works but not the remote.

Another thing, I've tried it on my effects pedal so that when Im jamming just by myself or with backing tracks, I wont be disturbing the missus or the neighbours. But, because the jack that comes with this headphones are three layers, there's a bit of polarity issues. It's not working as I would like it to be. I ended up using my son's headphones which is for kids but works well and more practical for me rather than buying another set of headphones.

Overall, this headphones to me, is a very nice product. The way it is built, the colour, the comfort it gives, portable because you can easily fold it and it comes with a bag/case, and for obvious reason the sound quality. Hope this review helps. Cheers!