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Easiest way to build your own guitar

I will share to you guys, the cheapest and most practical way to build your own electric guitar. First is to buy a DIY electric guitar kit. There are loads on eBay and Amazon and even on other online music shops. Here's what I got, an unwanted gift being sold on eBay so it's a total bargain.

Now after unboxing and checking that every parts are complete, you can start building it using the manual that came with it. Unfortunately, mine doesn't have the manual or diagram. So, I rely on my experience and with the help of YouTube, I had to search on where to solder the wires for the jack input.

Here's the video on how I build this guitar.

There were challenges along the way but it's part of the experience and that's how you learn. It's not a perfect kit and it needs a lot of modification and setting up but for the price, I can't really complain.

Here's the sound of this guitar.

Hope you like it and enjoy the videos. Looking forward to hear from you and to see your own build. By the way, I will keep you posted with the progress of this DIY electric guitar kit. It might take awhile but Im loving this guitar. Cheers!

1 comment:

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