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My top 15 favourite G1xOn preset tone patch

15 useful and unique patch presets

1. Acoustix - (A8) The Aco Sim was utilised to get a nice clean authentic acoustic sound. HD Hall was added for the space.

2. Rev Dream - (B7) ModReverb gives this sound its depth.

3. REVERSE HW - (J2) HW STACK and ReverseDL together make this delay sound.

4. Duermete - (A1) Delay, reverb and chorus combine to create a dreamy atmosphere.

5. Filter$ - (E9) FilterDly with delay.

6. JeanSplice - (H0) A complex sound combining four types of powerful effects that is good for beat makers and producers who want to add some guitar.

7. CrystalVib - (B5) This modulation sound uses The Vibe to create a floating feel.

8. Part Space - (H8) Delay and ParticleR through a Z Clean sound for creating an ethereal soundscape.

9. MUFFLR - (G5) Big lead guitar sound with reverb.

10. ARP ONE - (H7) SeqFLTR fun combined with CarbonDly.

11. POGISH - (H3) PitchSHFT combined with CoronaTri gives a gorgeous sound like a 12-string guitar.

12. PROGRESS - (H6) This octave sound creates an eerie atmosphere with emphasised low frequencies.

13. Supernova - (A9) This grand sound uses the ParticleR effect.

14. SnacMonstr - (H9) Using Octave and Cry, this sound is like an analog synth filter.

15. Bass Sim - (H1) A high-quality bass simulator that can also be used to create loops.


  1. But you show the effects, what is needed is the configuration to reproduce in my pedal

    1. Because these are all built in patches. It's already in the unit when you buy the pedal. If you want to configure it here's my playlist on how to edit the pedal:
