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Hack on Zoom G1Xon effects pedal power supply solve USB

Hacks and DIY Tricks

There are loads and loads of reviews on YouTube about this multi-effects pedal, so I decided to do differently. Im here to share my hacks and DIY tricks on this effects pedal called Zoom G1Xon.

When you buy this product, it does not come with power supply only 4 AA batteries. Although this pedal can run with a standard 9V power supply because I got a spare 9V adaptor my old effects pedal and it did work with it. So the first hack or trick is that you can power this pedal using an old digital camera USB cable with a micro USB jack on one end, which will then be connected to the pedal and the standard USB to your computer. It's easy when you're jamming or learning songs.  Because you are already connected to your laptop or computer.

After I've done that, I thought of using an old phone charger. So I connected this old digital cam USB cable to my old HTC charger and connect the micro USB end bit to my pedal and it worked nicely.

Now, with the batteries, it's good when you're doing live gigs especially outdoor ones where extension leads and power source are issues. That's when I bought rechargeable batteries from IKEA and USB chargers. At first, I used old phone chargers for these. But, eventually, I found in ALDI a multi USB charger, which is called Maxtek 5 Port Usb Charging Hub with quick charge capability. It solved the problem. I can charge my phone and at the same time charge my AA batteries. That way, I can save from buying batteries in Poundland.

Last, but not the least, is the Wah Pedal. It doesn't say in the manual on how to manually turn it on or off by stepping on the Wah Pedal itself. But I sort of discovered it because of the button underneath the pedal. The problem was that it does not contact or unable to push that button. So the solution that I did was cut my old plectrum/pick which was the thin one and superglue it underneath the Wah Pedal itself in the direction where that button/switch was located. It did the trick.  Hope this review/tips help you. Cheers!


  1. Powering this device with usb is not a "hack." Page 6 of the instructions tells you that this device can be powered with usb. This is merely "reading" the "instructions."

  2. They are also the best decks for the money as well. If your doing a whole system you should definatly get the 4100 or above. The reason why I say that is because they have USB, RCA outputs for front and rear and seperate subwoofer output. The voltage output on the rca outputs is pretty high.

