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23" toy ukulele review and repair

23" Ukulele (designed for music lovers)

Bought this toy ukulele from a toy shop and it says 23" Ukulele (designed for music lovers) and it says on the side of the box "A great introduction to playing the ukulele."

The Ukulele is made from China and there's a website on the box ( The ukulele itself is built nicely, painting is decent, and looks like it can survive a serious beating from a child. Having said that, I dont think this one is a musical instrument. I think it's designed to be a toy. Something that a child can hold, make noise and pretend like a rockstar. Apart from that, there's not much to it.

However, after two years of its survival, my son got a ukulele lesson at school. And started to be interested in playing ukulele. Now, I managed to alter and rectify some of the issues of this toy ukulele and make it work.

First was the nut, I had to file it using a bread knife just to lower the strings and make it closer to the fretboard or frets.  Second the bridge was not attached which is good thing because I managed to find the right spot for that bridge to sort of rectify and intonate the ukulele. Meaning, I can't tune it properly before but having to fiddle with it around, I did find a good spot and superglued it and tune the ukulele.

I dont know how to play the ukulele, had to google and youtube it. So after learning a little bit about ukulele, I managed to tune it and learn few chords and managed to play the ukulele on a beginner or very basic level. Plus, my son enjoys the ukulele now.

To those who wants to buy a ukulele, I would suggest to go to your local music shop and try their ukulele, ask some assistance from the staff. Or, if you want to buy a cheap ukulele online, buy one that looks pretty decent and got good reviews so you wont have headaches.

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