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How to overlay videos using your iPhone or iPad

I never knew about this before. I thought there's a special program to use when you overlay a video or you can only do it using a macbook, but I found on the internet recently that you can overlay or put picture on picture or split video into two using your iPhone or ipad.

Just watch the video above on how to do it. Saves me from writing it down as well as saves you from reading long paragraphs.

Hope this helps on your upcoming videos. Cheers!

How to assemble Hozelock Compact 25 M Reel

1.  You need to remove the label first and turn it up to open the bottom side by removing or tearing the cardboard that holds the contents in.

2. Remove everything starting from the parts that are in the individual plastic bags, as well as the loose parts and the hose itself.

3. You need to decide on which side you want the handle to put. Then open the plastic bags and locate for the handle and start assembling.

4. There's an instruction on a piece of paper if you wanted a guide on how to assemble the handle but it's actually straight forward.

5. Next step is to slip the hose in between the rollers and pull it out underneath. Then, locate for the spring and other contents that are needed for that hose end to hook or assemble to the reel.

6. Once you managed to connect it, try and roll the hose in using the handle that you've just assembled that way you can test to make sure it's all working good.

7. Now, you need to cut 1.5m of hose which you will use later to connect this Hozelock 2-in-1 to your tap. You need to assemble the remaining connectors and secure it tightly.

8. If in doubt, just double check it from the video.

How to fix the delay or latency of Audacity

So we managed to download and install Audacity. But we had problems with the monitor. There's a very distinct delay and it's really annoying. You can't record properly. It's okay if you're converting your old cassette tapes or CDs to mp3 but not if you're recording your band or making tracks. Because there's no way you can edit it or overlay tracks. They not going to sync.

So I found the solution. It's the Behringer UCA222. And you need to unclick the Play through option plus turn off the monitor.  It's all in the video. Please take time to watch it. Thanks!

How to get a free recording software

You can download a free Audacity recording software from Behringer. It's best if you buy their product like the Behringer U-Control UCA222 because it's nicely paired together. You'll not regret it. The works perfectly if you are into recording or if you want to convert your old cassette tapes or CDs into digital format.

Here's the link on where you can download Audacity: Behringer UCA222 Downloads